Americium [Am] (CAS-ID: 7440-35-9) locate me
An: 95 N: 148 Am: [ 243 ]
Group Name: Actinoid
Block: f-block Period: 7 (actinoid
State: solid at 298 K
Colour: silvery white Classification: Metallic
Boiling Point: 2880K (2607'C)
Melting Point: 1449K (1176'C)
Density: 12g/cm3
Shell Structure diagrams | Atomic Radius diagram

Discovery Information
Who: G. T. Seaborg , R. A. James, L. O. Morgan, A. Ghiorso
When: 1945
Where: United States
Name Origin
From America by analogy with europium.
Produced by bombarding plutonium with neutrons .
Americium-241 is currently used in smoke detectors.
A small amount of Americium A small amount of Americium